About Character Day Bahamas
At the PACE Foundation, part of our mission is to empower teenagers to make good decisions. We know that character education plays a significant role in helping people of all ages in their decision making and this is why we are excited to bring the Character Day movement to the Bahamas!
Character Day Bahamas is a project of the PACE Foundation that is funded by the Templeton World Charity Foundation Inc. Learn more about this grant award to the PACE Foundation at this link. Project Link
​We invite schools, business, churches, civic groups, non-profit organizations, families, and individuals to join us during the month of October. Be a part of this important conversation about developing and improving character. This event is devoted to developing who we are, and who we want to be.
Let us know that you’re celebrating Character Day. This year’s theme is “Peace Begins With Me” Sign up today!
Character Day is Wednesday 16th October 2024. Celebrate by hosting a character-building event. Your event can look and feel any way you like. If this date doesn’t work for you, please celebrate at any time in October or November. View films, volunteer, have small group discussions, participate in team building exercises ……. the possibilities are endless!
Be Creative! Your event should work for you and can be done anyway that you like, or you can use any of the resources available on the Character Day website a http://bit.ly/CharacterDayBahamasResources.There are short films, video clips, discussion materials and activities.
Post about your event using #cultivatingcharacter. Share your posts to the Character Day Bahamas Facebook page and to characterdaybahamas242@gmail.com
Apply by October 15th for a up to $1000 to support your long-term character education project. Contact us by email at characterdaybahamas242@gmail.com for application information.
If you missed the workshops, you could view pre-recorded sessions on YouTube which focus on how we can tap into our character strengths in times of change, uncertainty and isolation.
Session 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNm3EozZj4M&t=4054s
Session 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hozmzWxAIC4&t=5298s
Character Day is open to all: schools, youth organizations, workplaces, churches, businesses.
For further information, please email us at characterdaybahamas242@gmail.com